Info-Street Fighter X Tekken-SKIDROW | Publisher: Capcom | Developer: Capcom | Genre: Fighting | Platform: PC | Size: 4.47 GB | Release Date: 03-05-2012
Description:The long awaited dream match-up between the two titans of fighting ishere! Street Fighter X Tekken is the ultimate tag team fighting game,featuring one of the most expansive rosters of iconic fighters infighting game history. The critically acclaimed Street Fighter IV gameengine has been refined with new features including simultaneous4-player fighting, a power-up Gem system, Pandora Mode, Cross Assaultand more. Street Fighter and Tekken players alike will cross the linein this revolutionary battle!
Features:Dream Match Up - Dozens of playable characters including Rolento,Zangief, Cammy, Sagat, Hugo, Ibuki, Poison, Dhalsim, Ryu, Ken, Guile,Abel, Balrog, Juri, Vega and Chun-Li from Street Fighter as well asHeihachi, Lili, Julia, Hwoarang, Raven, Kuma, Yoshimitsu, Steve,Kazuya, Nina, King, Marduk, Bob, Law, Paul and Xiaoyu from Tekken.
Real-time Tag Battle - Fight as a team of two and switch betweencharacters strategically.
Gem System - A brand new feature that combines customization withstrategy, the Gems add an extra level of depth and provide apioneering way to experience fighting games. A total of 57 Gems(5 Assist and 52 Boost) come standard in the game and players have theability to equip three different Gems that improve upon weaknesses orcapitalize on strengths. Play your way!.

The long awaited dream match-up between the two titans of fighting is
here! Street Fighter X Tekken is the ultimate tag team fighting game,
featuring one of the most expansive rosters of iconic fighters in
fighting game history. The critically acclaimed Street Fighter IV game
engine has been refined with new features including simultaneous
4-player fighting, a power-up Gem system, Pandora Mode, Cross Assault
and more. Street Fighter and Tekken players alike will cross the line
in this revolutionary battle!
Dream Match Up - Dozens of playable characters including Rolento,
Zangief, Cammy, Sagat, Hugo, Ibuki, Poison, Dhalsim, Ryu, Ken, Guile,
Abel, Balrog, Juri, Vega and Chun-Li from Street Fighter as well as
Heihachi, Lili, Julia, Hwoarang, Raven, Kuma, Yoshimitsu, Steve,
Kazuya, Nina, King, Marduk, Bob, Law, Paul and Xiaoyu from Tekken.
Real-time Tag Battle - Fight as a team of two and switch between
characters strategically.
Gem System - A brand new feature that combines customization with
strategy, the Gems add an extra level of depth and provide a
pioneering way to experience fighting games. A total of 57 Gems
(5 Assist and 52 Boost) come standard in the game and players have the
ability to equip three different Gems that improve upon weaknesses or
capitalize on strengths. Play your way!.
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