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APTET September 2013 Notification|APTET Notification


Here is the full notification for APTET September 2013 Online Applications..
APTET Office Telephone: 04023232340, 04023232349 Help Line Numbers for Domain related issues (8008554612, 8008554613, 8008554627, 8008554628) Help Line Numbers for Technical Issues (8008554641, 8008554643)
Ref: 1. GO.Ms.No. 51, School Education (SE.GEN-II) Dept., dt 16.04.2011. 2. GO.Ms.No. 70, School Education (SE.GEN-II) Dept., dt 06.06.2011. 3. GO.Ms.No. 102, School Education (SE.GEN-II) Dept., dt 28.07.2011. 4. Govt. Memo.No.14384/PE.SER.II/A1/2013, School Education (PE.SER-II) Department, Dt.02.07.2013

1. Online applications are invited from candidates who intend to be teachers for classes I to VIII in schools in Andhra Pradesh for appearance in the Fourth Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (APTET-September, 2013) to be conducted by Department of School  Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh on Sunday, 1st September, 2013 in all 23 Districts of the State.
2. In accordance with the provisions of sub – section (1) of section 23 of the Right to Education Act (RTE), 2009, the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) had vide it’s Notification dated 23rd September 2010 laid down the minimum qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher for classes I to VIII. It had been inter alia provided that one of the essential qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher in any of the schools referred to in clause (n) of section 2 of the RTE Act is that she/he should pass the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) which will be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE. Accordingly, Government of Andhra Pradesh have issued guidelines for conducting Teacher Eligibility Test in A.P. vide G.Os cited in the references above.
3. All candidates who possess D.Ed.,/ B.Ed., / Language Pandit or equivalent qualifications and candidates pursuing final year of the said courses during the academic year 2012-2013 with requisite percentage of marks obtained as given in information bulletin of APTET and who aspire to become teachers for classes I to VIII in the schools of the State Government, Mandal Parishad, Zilla Parishad, Municipality, Private Aided Schools and Private unaided schools in Andhra Pradesh State can appear for APTET. However, the candidates intending to seek employment as a teacher in private unaided schools shall have the option of appearing at CTET conducted by Central Government through CBSE instead of APTET, if they so desire. The candidates who did not qualify in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd APTETs can also apply for the fourth APTET. Further, the candidates who got qualified in the earlier APTETs can also apply for 4th APTET if they desire improvement over their previous TET score.
4. The test (APTET) will be conducted in 2 papers viz. Paper-I & Paper-II. The candidates who intend to be teachers for classes I to V have to appear for Paper-I and the candidates intending to be teachers for classes VI to VIII have to appear for PaperII. The candidates who  intend to be teachers for all classes from I to VIII can appear for both papers, Paper-I and Paper-II.
5. Date and Timings of fourth APTET:
APTET will be conducted on 1st September, 2013 in all the Districts of the State.
The duration and timings of the test are given below:
Paper-I : 9.30 am to 12.00 noon (duration 2 ½ hours) Paper-II : 2.30 pm to 5.00 pm (duration 2 ½ hours)
6. Fee and submission of Application Online:
The fee prescribed for appearing for APTET (including examination fee) is Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two hundred only) for only Paper-I or only Paper-II or both. Candidates can pay the fee through APONLINE or e-Seva/mee seva centers between 15.07.2013 and 31.07.2013 and submit online application at the APTET website between 16.07.2013 and 01.08.2013.
7. Procedure for submission of application online:
Detailed procedure for applying ONLINE is given in the Information Bulletin.
Candidates can download the ‘Information Bulletin’ free of cost from the APTET  website: from 15.07.2013 onwards. Candidates can submit their applications online from 16.07.2013 to 01.08.2013.
8. Examination Centers for APTET September, 2013:
APTET shall be conducted in all the 23 Districts of the State. Candidate can choose any Examination Centre (District) of his choice. However, when the capacity of any particular Examination Centre (District) gets exhausted that particular Examination Centre (District) will not be displayed in the list of examination centers given in the online application form. In such case the candidate has to choose Examination Centre (District) of his/her choice from the remaining list available.
9. Eligibility Criteria:
The candidates at the time of applying for APTET, September 2013 should be in possession of the minimum qualifications prescribed for a teacher for I to V classes (Paper-I) and VI to VIII classes (Paper-II) as given in Information Bulletin.
The candidates who are pursuing final year of any of the Teacher Education Courses recognized by the NCTE or the RCI, as the case may be, and / or the Language Pandit Training Courses, during the academic year 2012-2013 can also appear for the APTET September, 2013.
However it is clarified that appearance or a pass in APTET by itself will not vest any right in a candidate to be considered for appointment to the post of Teacher in Government / Zilla Parishad / Mandal Parishad / Municipal and Private Aided Schools, unless he is in possession of the qualifications prescribed for appointment to such post in the relevant statutory recruitment rules framed by State Government from time to time as on the date prescribed there in for possession of such qualifications. Details of qualifications prescribed for APTET are provided in the Information Bulletin.
10. Structure, Content and Syllabus of APTET:
a) The structure and content of each part of Paper-I and Paper-II of the fourth APTET, and the breakup of the total 150 marks among various parts of the paper are given in the Information Bulletin. b) Syllabus for APTET can be downloaded from
11. Pass Criteria in TET: The criteria for considering pass in APTET is as follows: Community Pass Marks i) OC 60% Marks and above ii) BC 50% Marks and above iii) SC 40% Marks and above iv) ST 40% Marks and above v) Differently abled (PH)** 40% Marks and above ** Note : Physically Handicapped with at least 40% handicap only will be considered in respect of Visually Handicapped and Orthopedically Handicapped. With regard to Hearing Impaired, minimum 75% handicap will be considered under PH category
12. Validity period of TET Certificate / Marks Memo:
APTET Certificate / Marks Memo shall be valid for a period of 7 years from the date of TET examination in accordance with NCTE Guidelines.
13. Weightage for APTET Scores in selection in District Selection Committee (DSC) Recruitments:
20% weightage will be given to APTET scores in the ensuing Teacher Recruitment of the State Government i.e., 20% weightage is for APTET score and 80% weightage for written test in Teacher Recruitment Test (TRT) for drawing up selection list.
14. Storage of examination material:
The examination related material will be preserved for six months from the date of examination and no application in this regard will be entertained beyond this period.
15. Important dates of APTET September-2013:
1. Payment of Fees at AP Online or e-Seva / mee seva 15.07.2013 to 31.07.2013
2. Download of APTET Information Bulletin 15.07.2013
3. Online submission of application through 16.07.2013 to 01.08.2013
4. Help Desk services on all working days 15.07.2013 to 01.09.2013
5. Receiving of Complaints pertaining to Online application 16.07.2013 to 02.08.2013
6. Downloading of Hall Tickets 25.08.2013 onwards
7. Date of Examination – 1 September 2013 Paper-I 9.30 AM to 12.00 Noon Paper-II 2.30 PM to 05.00 PM
8. Declaration of Results 20.09.2013
16. Exemption from passing APTET:
Teachers who were appointed before NCTE notification, dated 23.08.2010 on selection by District Selection Committee or by competent authority in Govt. / Local Authority as per Recruitment rules prevalent at that time are exempted from appearing at TET Exam. However, teachers working in private schools whose appointments were not approved by competent authority in Government are not exempted from passing TET. Such teachers of private unaided school can appear at TET conducted by either state Government or Central Government. Teachers working in private aided schools whose appointment is not approved by the competent authority should invariably appear at APTET only.
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