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Stunning beauties nexus with Sites

Stunning beauties nexus with Sites

Now a days all film industries across India is witnessing sensuous tweet treats from stunning beauties who are looking for plump offers. Many movie lovers are shocked at the way actresses are crossing their limits in attracting attention of film makers and heroes in the process. More recently Sherlyn Chopra tweeted that she was involved in paid sex for offers. She recently became the first Indian female model to be featured on international magazine Play Boy. She opened up after Poonam Pandey some days back revealed that she enjoyed sex for money. Earlier Shradda Das also posted her hot photos on net to attract attention. However she did not get many offers after her hot posts.
Poonam Pandey, Sherlyn Chopra and many other stars took to twitter and in their bid to catch the attention of film makers started posting their bathing photos, shower videos and what not. A close investigation revealed that stars are indulging in these extreme acts not for want of offers but they are offered huge amounts of money from the sites to do so. All this time movie lovers and film critics felt that it was need for offers that are forcing these stunning babes to indulge in these acts. But now that it is revealed that they are doing it as they are offered huge bucks, now it is the turn of websites to run for cover.

Tag : MovieNews

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